Distinguished Librarian Award
The first formal meeting of HLA was held in January 1922. An ad hoc committee was formed for this award to commemorate the 50th anniversary of HLA in the spring of 1972. The committee recommended the establishment of a new award, to be called the Distinguished Librarian Award to be given in the April 1972 Spring Conference. This award is not an annual award, and is only administered to recognize extraordinary achievements by local librarians.
General Requirements
Award Recipients:
General Requirements
- This award will recognize an exceptional contribution by an HLA member to HLA or to the library profession in Hawaii. Such contribution may be in the form of outstanding publications, unusually superior service to HLA, or eminent performance in the field of librarianship in Hawaii.
- This award is to be a separate and distinct recognition, not to be confused with or included in the conferring of an Honorary Membership.
- This award will carry the honor of special recognition but not monetary award.
- This award should not become an annual award. It is to be awarded only when appropriate. Executive Boards in future years will have the prerogative of deciding when, and if, such an award will be made.
Award Recipients:
- 2023 - Gwen Sinclair
- 2021 - Vi Harada
- 2007 - Vickery Lebbin, Dave Brier
- 2000 - Ken Herrick
- 1996 - Miles Jackson
- 1994 - Gerald W. Lundeen
- 1994 - Carol Tenopir
- 1989 - Ira Harris
- 1986 - Sarah Vann
- 1985 - Arlene Luster
- 1979 - Agnes Conrad
- 1976 - Margaret Titcomb
- 1972 - Janet Bell